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Events / Other festivals and celebrations

The Celebration "His Majesty Cucumber!"

26 july, 2014, Demidov

Every year at the stage of the town park in Demidov extensive culture and entertainment programme is held.

The celebration starts with the carnival procession. On that day, performances of professional and amateur folk groups of different genres are offered to the guests.

It is impossible to imagine the celebration without round dances, songs, contests, theatrical performances at which the green birthday holder is the main character. It’s merry day for children, too: they ride on horses, jump on trampolines, compete in agility and wit, treat themseves with sweets.

Anyone may try cucumbers not only in fresh, salted, pickled, steamed and fried way but as cucumber tinctures, pancakes stuffed with cucumber, cucumber jam, stuffed cucumbers and other exotic dishes as well.

In "The City of Masters" one may obtain souvenirs and handicrafts made specifically for the celebration: one may get soft toys, wooden and paper cucumbers.

For the memory of the unusual and cheerful holiday a guest may take his photo in "The Vegetable Photo-studio".

Anyone who would visit the bright and joyous celebration take a lot of positive emotions with him and wish to return with friends so that they, too, can feel the atmosphere of the town of Demidov and the wide scope of festivities thrown in the honour of the Great Cucumber!

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13:53:19 C ( F)
Region: Smolensk region
City: Demidov
Phone: 8-920-666-85-00